The Soviet Satanic Union should have been allowed to fail in 1941 -1945. But it did not, because of the stupidity and naivety of the Western world Politicians. They don’t understand that it is Satan himself that is guiding the Russian leaders, in order to cause massive destruction on the planet earth to humanity.
If the Western Alliance had put the Soviet Union under sanctions, due to the crimes against humanity, that the Soviet Union leadership were guilty of ever since the Russian revolution and the Bolshevik anarchy in Russia 1917.
The threat of a global nuclear destruction would have been avoided, if the Western Alliance had controlled the demise of Soviet Satanic Union after the Nazi Germany and USSR pact of aggression.
The American taxpayers would have saved Billions from not having to fund the Korean War, Vietnam and countless Billions during the Cold war with the Soviet Satanic Union.
No matter which way you look at it, the Allies went too far in supporting the rise of the totalitarian Soviet Regime, that threatened the entire human population on the planet Earth.
A similar scenario is being played out with the Russian leadership since 2014 to 2025.
The Russian leadership at the Kremlin want a bail-out by President Trump.
To bail out the Russian economy, and to help the Russian military to build up again would be insanity. Only politicians could be so blind and deaf spiritually to not see it, and allow the Russian military to be built up and threaten Europe again, and the same old cycle to repeat again and again.
The problem is in the Russian leadership obsession with a delusional Soviet Russo worldview.
The Russian spirit of nationalism is not thinking in terms of ethics, morality and theology. No, the Russian nationalists only think according to the lust of the flesh, greedy conquest, maximum gain at the quickest possible time frame, and that objective is achieved through the old school Soviet ram raid to exploit whoever happens to have something worth stealing.
The Russian Economy is in Trouble, because of the Putin aggressive War in Ukraine.
There are no rewards for stupidity. Russian leader Putin has committed himself whole hog to stupid decision, because they were egotistically satisfying. Putin was seen as a big shot by the KGB thugs and the bike gangs of Russia. At the core motive Putin was jacking up the Russian nationalism and glorifying the exploits of Josef Stalin. It is all a selfish preoccupation that the Western World should not have any part with.
Allow the Russian Leadership Egotism to fail and let the Putin Russian nationalism fizzle out cold turkey.
For the USA president Trump to bail out Russian military in 2025, is the most stupid thing that an American president can do. It will cost the American taxpayers Trillions of dollars, and once the Russian military is back in strength they will pick a fight with the United States and Europe, and that will cost hundreds of American lives as it did during the Nazi Germany and the USSR Pact of Aggression in 1939.
The Soviet Union leaders were masters of deception. We must not forget that it was the Soviet Union invasion of Poland in 1939, along with the Nazi Germany that started the Second World War.
The Soviet Satanic Union had tapped into a resource, spiritually a diabolical resource, that is Satan himself. Therefore, the Soviet leadership sold their souls to the devil, and in return the spirit of Satan entered them and led them to deceive the gullible naïve Western leaders. Deceived them so far that the forgot that Josef Stalin was actually the enemy, while the Western leaders were calling him a good old Joe.
Similarly, another American president, called Putin an honest soul, according to Bushes subjective wishful thinking. Therefore, the subjective minds of naïve Presidents, become the objective truth and reality of gods. The Russian military needs to fail in 2025, the failure is long overdue. The Soviet Russo violent anarchy has been ongoing for 108 years, since the Bolsheviks ushered in the kingdom on Satan into Russia.
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