The Importance of SEO in Internet Marketing

The Importance of SEO in Internet Marketing

The Importance of SEO in Internet marketing is far more important than the general knowledge of the consumers of the products and services. SEO is at a much higher level than the consumer’s realm of products and services. The realm of demand and supply is to satisfy a genuine need or wanderlust. It does take effort to study and learn how and where the SEO real affects the internet search results, therefore it is an academic discipline.

If you are already running an Internet marketing campaign or are about to embark on an Internet marketing campaign, one concept you cannot afford to skimp on is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is one of the most popular buzz words in Internet marketing but unfortunately, most Internet marketers simply do not know enough about SEO to make this strategy work for them. Even those who are knowledgeable about SEO may have difficulty executing their SEO strategies to produce the desired effect.

The Importance of SEO in Internet Marketing

Advertising is a very important part of running any type of business. You need to advertise to reach new customers and market your products or services. Whether you run your business online or not you probably already realize how important it is to advertise but if you are running your business online you should understand there is a great deal of free advertising available in the form of optimal search engine rankings.

The importance of SEO in Internet Marketing and Google search page rank results

Well, known search engines such as Google rank websites according to complex algorithms which are designed to determine which websites are most relevant for particular search terms. Therefore taking the time and effort to optimize your website for relevant search terms may result in you being rewarded with high search engine rankings for these terms. This is important because most Internet users rely heavily on these rankings. It is not uncommon for Internet users to only review the first few results when they search for a particular term. This means if your website ranks high enough to appear on the first page of the search results you will likely enjoy increased website traffic. However, if your website doesn’t make it to the first page or even the second page, it is unlikely you will receive a great deal of website traffic from visitors who use search engines.

Backgroud of internet byte in a cable
Background of internet byte in a cable

The Importance of SEO in Internet Marketing plays out in the digital artificial intelligent algorithm

Now that you understand why search engine rankings are so important you might wonder how to achieve these rankings. The easiest way to optimize your website is to hire an SEO specialist to do the work for you. The world of SEO is complex and continually evolving making it difficult for most business owners who do not specialize in SEO to keep up with the changes in the industry. Therefore, business owners who attempt to optimize their website by themselves may have difficulty keeping up with competitors who hire an SEO consultant to optimize their website.

The algorithms used by search engines can be rather complex and include a number of different factors. Some of the common factors in the equation include keyword density, META tags, titles, inbound links, website traffic, and content.

The Importance of SEO in Internet Marketing in keywords

Keyword density refers to the number of times a particular keyword is used in the content of your website. The theory behind this concept is that website which uses a keyword often are likely extremely relevant to that keyword, however, overuse of that keyword may result in penalties to the website if the search engine deemed the keywords are not being used appropriately.

META tags are pieces of HTML code which some search engines use in evaluating the content of a website. Placing keywords in these tags can be beneficial in some search engines. However, care should be taken to avoid placing irrelevant keywords in these tags as this may result in your website being penalized.

Inbound links are also used by some search engines to rank websites. Inbound links refer to links on other websites which point to your website. In evaluating the worth of these inbound links, some search engines consider the rank of the website providing the link to your website. This means you should ensure the website providing inbound links to your website are high ranking websites to receive the most benefit from these links.

Finally, the content on your website can do a great deal to bolster your search engine rankings. Most SEO firms retain a staff of writers who are skilled at providing quality content which is also optimized for relevant keywords. If you hire an SEO firm who does not provide copywriting services you should invest in hiring a professional writer yourself. This will help to ensure the copy on your website is not only valuable to your visitors but also considered valuable to search engines.

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Marketing for Beginners Online

Marketing for Beginners Online

Marketing for beginners online is just that, starting from the basics and learning all that is required to master internet marketing online.

Internet marketing for beginners is intended for all those people that are keen to learn internet marketing online. The basic theory of marketing and the concepts of Internet marketing might be quite simple, executing effective strategies can be extremely difficult. This can even be tough for those who are quite experienced in the world of Internet marketing. With this in mind, this article will attempt to explain the concept of Internet marketing for beginners and will outline some basic strategies which can help a business owner to launch his own Internet marketing campaign. We will cover concepts such as creating a website, placing banner ads, sending out e-newsletters, orchestrating an email marketing campaign and optimizing your website for search engines.

Marketing for Beginners

Marketing for beginners online with own website

One of the most basic steps for starting an Internet marketing campaign is to create a website. If you don’t have a website or have a poorly designed website you should consider creating or re-designing a website to adequately market your products. If you do not have experience in web design, there are a number of software packages which make it simple for those with no design experience to create a functional website. However, hiring a web designer is worthwhile because he can work to create a website which is attractive, functional and suitable for your products and series. He can also help you include more advanced features on your website.

Marketing for beginners online with banners

Banner ads are another popular option for advertising your business on the Internet. Banner ads are advertisements which typically appear along the top of a website but it may also include smaller ads in other locations. Banner ads typically include graphics and text which entice Internet users to click on the advertisement. Once a user clicks on the ad, they are directed to your website. This type of advertising can be very effective when care is taken to place the advertisements on high traffic websites which attract an audience who may have an interest in your products.

Marketing for Beginners

Marketing for beginners online with email campaigns

Sending out e-newsletters can also be a part of an effective Internet marketing strategy. E-newsletters are essentially emails which may contain a variety of information including informative articles, useful quizzes, relevant advertising or any other information which is deemed worthwhile for the recipients of the e-newsletter. The importance of these newsletters is that they can be used as marketing tools which are not viewed by the recipients as an advertisement. One way to do this is to incorporate links or other soft sale approaches into the copy of the e-newsletters. However, care should be taken to keep these references minimal so the e-newsletter is not viewed as spam.

Email marketing campaigns can be another successful aspect of an Internet marketing campaign. Email marketing essentially involves sending out emails to a group of individuals who may be interested in your products and services. Care should be taken in sending out these emails to avoid sending emails which are unsolicited and will be viewed as spam. One way to do this is to only send out the emails to users who have requested inclusion on an email mailing list. Another way to do this is to provide value in the emails as opposed to just including advertisements. This can be done by offering relevant advice in your emails and other useful information which may be of interest to the recipients of the email.

Marketing for beginners online with Google search results optimized

Finally, optimizing your website for search engines is a critical aspect of an Internet marketing campaign. Search engines rank websites according to quality and relevance for particular search terms. Many Internet users appreciate the effort by search engines and use these search engines to find the best websites on a particular subject. This means the Internet users are likely to only visit websites which rank well with search engines. Therefore if your website is not high ranking, you are not likely to generate a great deal of traffic from Internet users who use search engines to find relevant websites. Top ranking websites are likely to obtain the most traffic from search engines and all websites falling on the first page of the search engine results will likely enjoy some degree of success in improving their traffic.

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What is the Point of Office Management Software

What is the Point of Office Management Software

What is the point of office management software will be explained in this article post by Best Decision

Do you work as an office manager? If you are, you likely know firsthand how demanding office management can be. With that in mind, there are tools that you can use to ease the process of office management. One of those tools is office management software.

What is the Point of Office Management Software
Office Management Software can put many of the loose pieces together to form a tight-knit unit. All Copyrights Reserved.

Before going into the benefits of using office management software, it is first important to examine what it is. When it comes to office management software, you will find that it comes in a number of different formats. With that in mind, all office management software programs have the same goal. That goal is to ease the process of running an office related business.

What is the point of office management software for a clientele email list?

Although there is likely to be some variations, with office management software, you will find that many integrate a number of programs all into one. For instance, many office management software programs have detailed tasks lists, easy to sort email programs, professional looking templates, including customer invoices, and much more. These are just a few of the many features that you may find on office management software programs.

What is the point of office management software to track employee work tasks?

As nice as it is to hear what office management software may be able to offer you, you may be curious as to why you should invest it in. For starters, it is important to focus on the saved time. Office management software not only enables you to save time, but it enables you to make the most out of the time that you do have. Office management software, if properly used, can enable you to monitor the performance of your employees or the tracking of clients and profits, all from the comfort of your own desk. Not having to constantly monitor all employees that are your responsibility makes performing your own tasks much easier.

Another one of the many reasons why you should use office management software to your advantage is because of product selection. As it was previously stated, office management software comes in a number of different formats. This enables you to get the largest software selection. Whether you are looking for a deluxe office management software program, such as one that enables you to network all office computer together or access important documents online, or even just a standard office management software version, you should be able to find it. Having a wide range of options, as well as prices, is ideal if this is your first attempt at incorporating this important software into your business’s structure.

An easy learning curve is another one of the many benefits of integrating office management software into your business. Office management software, as previously stated, comes in a number of different formats. Even the most deluxe versions are easy to use. In fact, many with standard computer skills and knowledge are able to use office management software without any complications. Many office management software programs come with detailed tutorials, as well as the ability to contact a customer service representative for assistance or troubleshooting. An easy learning curve enables you or your office manager to not waste any time and get right down to business.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to integrating office management software into your business, as well as a number of reasons as to why you should do so. Even if you are unsure as to whether or not office management software is right for your business or your office manager, you are still advised to take a close look at the software programs available for sale. They can be packed full of features that can make your job easier.

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What do Office Managers Do

What do Office Managers Do

What do office managers do in their everyday job tasks? One job description obviously does not meet all of the possible requirements that are presented in the modern business world.

Do you want a career as an office manager? If you are, you may be ready to start applying for jobs. Before doing so, it is important to know what is an office manager entails. This can be done by examining a few of the many common job responsibilities of office managers.

What do Office Managers Do?
Business manager on the run with a busy schedule. All Copyrights Reserved.

What do office managers do to supervise office staff?

One of the most common tasks performed by office managers is that of management. Many office managers are responsible for overseeing and supervising other office personnel. Management is most commonly a responsibility of office managers that are employed by larger companies. Office managers are usually responsible for giving staff members projects to complete, answering questions concerning those projects, as well as making sure that all employees are able to meet their deadlines.

What do office managers do with text, multimedia, and documentation?

Word processing is another task that is regularly performed by office managers. Office managers are known for typing up and distributing important company documents and memos. These documents and memos may be for other employees, customers, or both. Office managers may also spend a good portion of their time searching the internet or using office management software to help find professional company templates for important forms and documents, such as company invoices, faxes, and so forth.

What do office managers do with person to person calls and appointments?

Another one of the many tasks performed by office managers involves answering incoming telephone calls. These telephone calls are most commonly answered and processed by office managers who are limited to the number of office employees they oversee. In larger companies, office managers would not likely be responsible for answering all incoming telephone calls, as there is usually a customer service department designed especially for doing so.

What do office managers do with staff training?

Training new employees is another job responsibility of many office managers. In fact, depending on the company in question, an office manager may have a large number of human resource responsibilities. These responsibilities may include accepting and sorting job applications and resumes, setting up and conducting job interviews, as well as making all new hire decisions. Office managers may also be responsible for terminating workers who do not meet or exceed company standards.

The above-mentioned job responsibilities are just a few of the many responsibilities of office managers. If you are looking for a career in office management, it is advised that you first do a little bit of research. As outlined above, not all office managers have the same job responsibilities. These responsibilities often depend on the company in question, as well as its size. Since job responsibilities often play an important role in the skills or experience needed to be an office manager, you will want to do as much research as possible.

One of the best ways to know if you are qualified for an office management job is to thoroughly examine the job listing. This job listing will not only outline any job or training requirements that the hiring company has, but they may also outline common job responsibilities. These responsibilities, tasks, and duties, can give you an idea as to whether or not the office manager job in question is one that you are willing to accept.

As a reminder, not all office management jobs are the same. If you would like to work in office management, but are unsure if you possess the skills needed to do so, you may want to invest in a number of office management training courses. If you are serious about getting a job in office management then taking some classes will give you a better chance at success.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on What do Office Managers Do article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Take a Training Course to Update your Skills

Take a Training Course to Update your Skills

Take a training course to update your skills may be the best thing in your business and personal life, time management really does affect every part of life. Therefore doing things more efficiently can make room for relaxing and restoration on the weekends.

Do you want to upgrade your skills or are you looking to learn office management skills? If you are, you may want to take the time to examine office management training courses. Office management training courses can be of great assistance to those who are looking to update their office management techniques or for those who need assistance with finding an office management job.

Take a Training Course to Update your Skills
Efficient use of time can provide solutions logically.

Take a Training Course to Update your Skills in office management.

Before focusing on the benefits of attending office management training courses or classes, it is important to remember that they come in a number of different formats. Their goals, however, are all the same. That goal is to improve the productivity of office managers through successful techniques. You may find deluxe training classes that last a few months or even a few weeks. These classes often focus on a wide range of office management issues and topics, such as clerical skills, time management skills, and so forth. It is also possible to find detailed office management training courses that focus on one particular topic, such as word processing. Generally speaking, the more hours you log or the more classes you take, the more information you are likely to walk away with.

If you are looking to find a job in the field of office management, office management training courses and classes can help to give you an edge on the competition. Office management regularly changes, especially when it comes to clerical tasks and duties. Staying up to date with the latest in office management can help you in your search for a job. Those who are familiar with the latest computer software programs are more likely to get a job than those who are only familiar with old and outdated programs. These training courses are ones that you can use on your job resume and ones that you can speak of in job interviews. Taking office management training courses on your own also shows employers that you are serious about a career in office management and willing to take any needed extra steps.

Take a training course to update your skills for success in results.

If you are currently employed as an office manager, you can still benefit from the use of office management training courses. Office management training courses can help you succeed as an office manager. Although there is a variance as to what is taught in these popular training courses, you will find that management training courses often focus on techniques that have been tested by other office managers and proven successful. Even if you simply take a computer skills training course, you may be able to increase your productivity and performance. Fresh ideas, from office management training courses, are ones that can help you improve your office management techniques and performance levels. This, in turn, can not only benefit you but your company as well.

If you are interested in taking an office training course or a number of them, you are urged to use the internet. The internet is one of the easiest ways to go about finding office management training courses. These courses are regularly offered by online and locally. For locally held training courses, you will want to examine your local newspapers or visit your local community colleges or vocational centers. These establishments are often known for their career-oriented training courses. The best way to find office management training courses is to keep your eyes and ears open at all times.

Although there are a number of benefits to attending an office management training course, you should know that they do typically require an attendance fee. This fee will vary, depending on the training course in question, the instructor, the length of the course, as well as what is taught. If you are currently employed as an office manager, you should speak with your supervisor, as they may be willing to pay your attendance fee. But if you have to pay the course cost yourself you should be able to claim the cost back on your tax.

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Internet parental controls

Internet Parental Controls: Why You Should Use Them

Internet parental controls should be in the hands of responsible parents.  Are you the parent of a teenager or a younger child who uses the internet? If you are, is your computer and the internet protected with parental controls? If not, this is something that you will want to do. Although many children are able to use the internet without running into any problems, like online harassment or communicating with an online predator, are you really willing to take the chance? If not, you should use parental controls.

Internet parental controls
Mother teaching her two daughters the skills of baking

One of the many reasons why you should set parental controls is because you can protect your child when they are online. Although parental controls come in a number of different formats, most allow you to block websites that you don’t want your child to view. This means that if you don’t want your child to use MySpace or other social networking websites you can easily block them.

Another reason you should have working parental controls on your child’s computer is that they are easy to install. Most parental controls are self-explanatory. This means that even if you don’t know how to use a computer, you can still get the protection set. For example, if your computer uses Internet Explorer, all you need to do is open a new window and select “Internet Options,” from the heading of “Tools.” There, you will find a tab that is labeled “Content,” and here is where you can set your parental controls.

In addition, being easy to install, parental controls are also often easy to find. In fact, many are also free. If you use Internet Explorer, as previously stated, parental controls are already built in. Another popular internet browser is that of FireFox. Although FireFox does not have built-in parental controls, they do make it easy to find add-ons, many of which are free. Even if you must purchase a parental control program for your child, you should know that the costs are more than worth it.

Unfortunately, many parents do not install parental controls, as they believe it will limit their own use of the internet. Just because you want your child to avoid websites that have crude language or violent themes, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t want to view them. But, did you know that most internet controls for parents can be used on shared family computers? This is because they let you set up a password to override any websites that you would like to access.

Since parental controls are often free or very affordable, easy to install, and a great way to keep kids safe, you should use them. However, before you get a false sense of confidence, there are some important things that you should know. First, know that many teenagers are computer smart. Your teen may actually know how to get around parental controls, even if they don’t know your password. That is why you will occasionally want to check the computer. If you block a website, like, occasionally check it to make sure that it is still blocked.

Speaking of having a password, be sure not to give this password to your child. If they need to gain access to a website that was accidentally blocked, like for a school research project, you will want to use the password yourself to unblock the website, even just temporarily. As nice and as mature as your child is, there are some who go through great lengths to be able to socialize online with other internet users.

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Internet parental controls

Internet and Kids: How Young Is Too Young?

Internet and Kids: How Young Is Too Young?

Internet and Kids: How Young Is Too Young? There is one right answer to the question of young children and the use of the internet without parental guidance.

Are you a parent? If you are, you may be curious as to when children regularly start using the internet. In all honesty, you will find that it depends. There are some parents who start their children using a computer and the internet right away and others wait until their children need to do so for school. So, how young is too young for your child to use the internet?

Internet and Kids: How Young Is Too Young?
young woman holding a happy mask

What many parents, especially first-time parents, do not realize is that some elementary schools teach their children how to use a computer as young as first grade. Of course, they may not learn how to surf the internet, but they do often learn the basics. These basics may include learning how to type, how to turn on a computer, how to use a computer mouse, and so forth.

In keeping with young age, there are many parents who allow their toddlers and preschoolers to play computer games. Although software for those games can be purchased online or in most media stores, some parents turn to the internet. The good news about this approach is that many trusted websites, like those for Nick Jr, PBS Kids, and Playhouse Disney do not have harmful advertisements on their websites that your child could accidentally click on.

Internet and Kids

Young elementary school children are also likely to use the internet and a computer in general to play computer games. Towards the fifth or sixth grade, children may start to use the internet to do research for school projects. This is when it is really important to start monitoring your child’s use of the internet. Even if your child doesn’t use online social networking websites, use internet chat rooms, or visit pornographic websites, it doesn’t mean that they can’t accidentally come across them. Some websites are not very careful with what advertisements they show.

Junior high school and high school students, honestly, need the most monitoring online. These are students who not only use the internet to research but to communicate with their friends and to make new friends. Unfortunately, not all teenagers are educated on the dangers that lurk online, especially where internet chat rooms and social networking websites are concerned.

So, is your child ready to use a computer and the internet? As stated above, it is your decision to make. With that being said, be sure to use your best judgment and be sure to establish some firm ground rules. Children who are at least seven years of age should never be allowed to use a computer alone. Strict rules should be imposed on older children.

Internet and Kids: How young Is too young? Honest personal reflection.

Speaking of internet safety rules, be sure to make your views on social networking websites and internet chat rooms clear. If you don’t want your child to use them, state so. If they are allowed, establish rules. A few rules to get you started involve making a social networking website profiles private, not communicating directly with strangers, not trading personal information online, and not posting personal pictures or videos online.
As a reminder, you have the ability to determine when and where your child can access the internet. Just be sure that if you do allow your child to use the internet that you establish ground rules. Even toddlers and preschoolers should be able to follow these rules, such as only playing games on the website you get them set on.

Thank you for visiting Best decision web site, and reading up on this important Internet and Kids: How Young Is Too Young? article.  Also please do share this website link with your friends. Thanks.

Protecting children on the internet

Protecting children on the internet

Protecting children on the internet proactively is much easier than damage control in out of control situations. It takes knowledge, resources and sharp creative mind to organize the right channels of influence.  It does take resources to keep up to date with computer device software and preventive safety programs.

Protecting children on the internet

How to Protect Your Child When Using the Internet

Are you the parent of a child or a teen who uses the internet? If so, you likely already know that the internet can be a dangerous place for a child, especially if your child uses online chat rooms or social networking websites. For that reason, there are a number of steps that you, as a parent, will want to take to protect your child when they use the internet.

The first step that you should take, to help keep your child safe online, is to know as much as you can about computers and the internet. Did you know that there are ways for you to see which websites have been visited on a computer? Did you know that some computers already have parental controls installed on them that just need to be set? You can only benefit from these tools that can help to protect your child if you know that they do exist.

Protecting children on the internet by being in the know

Speaking of parental controls, be sure to know what your computer has. If you have an older model computer, you may benefit from purchasing additional software programs. These programs can easily be found for sale online or in most media or office supply stores. As for the programs that may already be on your computer, open up a new Internet Explorer window. From the main headings at the top of the page, click on “Tools,” and then “Internet Options.” A new window will appear; highlight the “Content,” tab and right away you will see an option that lets you block certain content from showing on a computer.

Protecting children on the internet with an attitude

In keeping with parental controls, don’t give in to a child who complains about them being used. If you create a password to override these controls, which you may need if your whole family shares a computer, that password can also be used for your teenager. Don’t give them the password though. Use it to unblock certain sites that they ask and you first approve.

Another easy way that you can protect your child when they use the internet is to have the computer in a frequently traveled room. You can also limit the use of certain websites, like social networking websites or internet chat rooms. Make them only available when you are home or in the same room. If your child has their own computer, like a laptop that they can take anywhere with them, be sure to check the internet history of their computer randomly every week or so.

Speaking of which, do not let your child have their own login information. When you first turn on a computer, you often see a button that says someone’s name. Many families use one standard account. Your child can easily create their own. If they do, do not let them have their own password. This can make it difficult or impossible for you to examine their online activities. Having you check up on their online activities may not be something that your teen likes, but you likely purchased the computer and you, as the parent, have the right to check.

Protecting children on the internet history

As it was previously stated, you will want to check the internet history of a child who has their own computer or if your child uses the family computer when you are not home. If you have Internet Explorer, which most computers do, open a new internet window. Towards the top of the page, you will see a menu bar with a number of pictured icons. You can check the history of a computer by clicking on the icon with a clock and a small green arrow. This should tell you which websites your teenager has been viewing online.

Finally, it is important that you talk with your teenager about the dangers of using the internet, namely social networking websites or internet chat rooms. Teach them what to do if they are harassed online or approached by an internet predator. Make sure they know not to erase the information, but rather to save it or show it to you right away, especially if you decide to contact your local police department.

Finally, the end goal is not so much how to cover all the potential danger areas of access, but rather develop a deeper relationship with the child so that there is open honest communication between the parent and the child. That takes time in the learning and development of the child personality, spirituality, and character traits.  The parent’s responsibility is to guide the child in a way that is healthy for the child’s development, integrity secured, honest and learning to be morally responsible.

Thank you for visiting the best decision and reading up on this Protecting child on the internet article. My hope is that the information was informative and helpful, Please do share this web site article links with your friends, thanks.

Peace Love Joy and Prosperity New Year 2016

Peace Love Joy and Prosperity New Year 2016

Peace Love Joy and Prosperity New Year 2016 is a positive hope and a wish that I can make for you at this time of the year. They are all true values along with morality that I believe in like so many other people do all over the world.  So then who can be against you if the Almighty Creative God (God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) is for you, and egging you on with the true lasting values in life.

Peace Love Joy and Prosperity New Year 2016

Self-development in the New Year 2016

The New Year is a fine time to think about self-development; there are many areas of a personal life that may need a review and a check and a tune-up. Most often life is driven by the physical activity and physical life that includes work, rest time, recreational time and other personal devotions.  Over time things do change, things in life don’t stay static for long, therefore, all areas of life need a tune-up, adjusting and sometimes re-direction and refocus.

A new career may bring a big challenge to personal discipline and learning, to make most of the time available.  Likewise, new technologies and new work tools may seem overwhelming at the beginning of a new learning process, break down the learning down to bite size pieces, that way it can be an enjoyable, meaningful and rewarding experience.

Peace Love Joy and Prosperity New Year 2016

Morality and sin

Morality and sin by choice, neglect, or default of the environment can have a very negative effect on the final cut of life.  Alternatively to conquer and to master spiritual life does reward with life-enriching traits and spiritual values.

Ideally, it is something learned very early in life with the support of loving parents and family. But relatively very people have such an ideal family upbringing, where they weaned out of the many moral vices or corruption in their personal character. It really does require a super big effort from parents to bring up their children in a way that the children grow up morally healthy and strong.  Most often parents will use religion, beliefs, and spirituality to guide the children to moral values and for deep respect for life and a healthy dose of the fear of God and awe of the universe.

To the foolish fear of God is ridiculed, and to the wise fear of God is wisdom. It develops the heart and the mind of the person to be spiritually disciplined.  It is the spirit within that moves the physical being to do actions. By maintaining a spiritual balance, the mind body and emotions are kept in check with a discipline of the mind and submitted to the will.

Christianity founder Yeshua the Christ from Nazarene is a fine example of how to live a disciplined life. To learn about Christianity one needs to consider the life of Yeshua the Messiah (Christ), and to read his philosophy in life, how important was morality and the absence of sin in his life on the earth some 2000 years ago.

Whatever is beautiful, Whatever is meaningful, Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!

Thank you for visiting this site and reading up on this  Peace Love Joy and Prosperity New Year 2016 message.  Make it a Good One!

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera from DJI, fully adaptable to dynamic moving environments.

Jiang Innovations Science and Technology Company is a very resourceful company, they have a long list of fine products and accessories in the Commercial Unmanned aerial vehicles and the recreational drones. They recently launched a NEW product for all people that are keen to create content using photography, video, and audio.  CLICK  IMAGE.

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera
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Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera Rocks!

The new portable action joystick camera is all about versatility, and ease of use. It delivers versatility by overcoming several design problems that the traditional camera designs have.  The NEW design makes the camera much easier to point and shoot; you can shoot high or shoot low, the Zenmuse camera lens head can pitch, tilt and yaw.

  • Single hand joystick grip,
  • Camera lens Gimbal stabilizer
  • Multipurpose versatility

The design of the Innovative Joy Stick Camera makes it a unique design for a camera.  The traditional camera was designed to be held with two hands, or alternatively using a tripod and therefore, making the camera stable for picture taking. For creative photography and video recording, there are many everyday occasions when holding a camera with two hands is really awkward and simply impossible.  Riding a bike is one of those occasions; have you ever taken pictures or video while riding a bike? If you have you know that it is a very difficult thing to do, and you can only use one hand if the bike is moving. Why would anyone want to ride a bike and take pictures or video at the same time? Three answers to that question are creativity, spark interest, and imagination.

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Here are some ideas on how to combine the bike riding, photography, and video.

During the autumn season when the colorful autumn leaves have fallen on the ground somewhere where you can ride over them. It may be a park, bike path, or a road, or some other area where there are trees. Go to the sport when there is sufficient light, or even when the ground is still wet from morning dew or light rain. Take your camera and set the shutter speed relatively slow and the shutter wide open. Then as you ride slowly over the leaves hold the camera in one hand, low at about the knees height, and point the lens between the leaves on the ground and the spinning front wheel.

The picture will turn out with the wheel being in focus, and the colorful leaves on the ground blurred. You may have to do it several times until you have the aperture and the shutter speed right in tune with the available light.

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera
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The above exercise is not easy using a traditional digital camera, because the camera is difficult to hold with one hand.  Also to be able to see the display panel, at the same time, is difficult. The other action is to take videos while riding a bike, so that the wheel of the bike is in the same view as an interesting summer background, which appears to be moving, in relation to the camera. Video recording on a bike is very difficult unless it is a single handheld joystick camera. There are cameras like the GoPro with camera mounts that are secured to the bike handlebars. That may be very useful in very rough terrains, like steep downhills where the rider must have both hands on the handlebars to avoid crashing.  I can visualize the single hand grip being very practical to make interesting photographs and video when moving on a set of wheels, skateboard, or even coasting on a shopping trolley. With a single hand grip joystick it is possible to reach high or to reach low, no problem to hold the camera, and very easy to point where every direction.

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera
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Crystal clear Pictures.

To overcome the blurring of moving object pictures, the camera designers increased the shutter speeds to freeze the motion. The increased shutter speed does solve that blur problem, but there is more to creative photography than just freezing images.  The blurring can be used creatively to enhance the appearance of the image, by blurring the image with delayed shutter speed while using a tripod.

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera
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What about taking a picture freehand? And using a delayed shutter speed? With a traditional camera, that means a blurred image. But with the NEW Innovative technology, it is possible to take pictures free hand and to use a delayed shutter speed. It is possible by using a Gimbal to hold the camera lens steady, even if the arm of the operator is moving some. The gimbal can be commanded to point in a specific direction, and it will do it using inbuilt GPS and a stabilizer.

Zenmuse Gimbal camera head options.

There are three Zenmuse gimbal models with the camera heads available: Zenmuse X3. Zenmuse X5. Zenmuse X5R. The X3 sensor is a size ½.3 inches size. Still resolution: 12 MP. Video resolution: up to 4K (4096 X 2160).  The X5 has a larger sensor, which is a 4/3 Inch size. The still resolution of the X5 is larger than the X3, at 16MP.  Video resolution: 4K (4096 x 2160).    See image below.

Innovative multipurpose action joystick camera
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The camera heads X3 or the X 5 used is the same as what is used in the Inspire1 model UAV, the quality of the image is excellent. Stock standard the DJI OSMO comes with the X3 swivel camera head, which features, a 12 MB still image capture, 4K video recording, and a 94-degree field view. Additionally, you can capture high definition videos at 120 frames per second. The Multipurpose action joystick camera OSMO, offers time-lapse and long exposure modes, for taking videos that express a long sequence of time in a short time frame.  The long exposure function enables capturing relatively, colorful moving objects, like the colorful lights of city traffic, or the spin of the planet earth in relation to the far distant stars of the universe.  See the next picture for example.

To learn more info about DJI products, visit the website below.

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OSMO In the Box includes:

  • Handheld Gimbal and Camera × 1
  • Mobile Device Holder × 1
  • Intelligent Battery × 1
  • Storage Case × 1
  • Charger Power Cable × 1
  • Battery Charger × 1
  • UV Filter × 1
  • Micro SD Card × 1(16 GB)
  • Shoulder Strap × 1
  • Rosette Protection Cap × 1
  • Wrist Strap × 1
  • Lens Cap × 1
  • Manuals
  • OSMO In the Box
  • Osmo Disclaimer and Safety Guidelines
  • Osmo Intelligent Battery Safety Guidelines
  • OSMO In the Box

© 2015 DJI. All Rights Reserved.

Thank you for visiting the Best Decision Coach.Com website and reading up on this NEW Multipurpose Action Joystick Camera OSMO article.  Without a doubt, this product will be a very useful tool for creative photography and for really smooth action videos.

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